Statement of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform on the adoption of the Law “On Launching the Accession Process of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union”
February 12, 2025 Statement of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform on the adoption of the Law “On Launching the Accession Process of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union” The European Union-Armenia Civil Society Platform welcomes the National Assembly’s adoption of Law “On Launching the Accession Process of the Republlic of Armenia to the European Union” on February 12, 2024. We deeply appreciate the efforts invested by the members of this initiative, including
12.02.2025 -
Study Tour to the Netherlands
12.07.2024 -
Discussion of the Advisory Opinions of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform on Visa Facilitation and Police Reforms
On 19 December, the advisory opinions on visa facilitation and readmission and police reforms developed under the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform were discussed with the representatives of the state bodies and other stakeholders. The advisory opinions were developed by Mr Stepan Grigoryan, President of the Analytical Centre for Globalisation and Regional Cooperation and Mr Daniel Ioannisyan, Coordinator of Programmes with the Union of Informed Citizens. Ms Arpine Sargsyan, Deputy Minister of the Interior, Mr Frank Hess,
21.12.2023 -
ELA’s Cooperation with the Council of Europe
22.02.2023 -
Meeting with Justice Albie Sachs
07.09.2022 -
The Constitution Must be Interpreted in Line with the Will of the Constituent Power
JUDGE TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA To: The President of the Republic of Armenia The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia The Government of the Republic of Armenia The General Assembly of Judges of the Republic of Armenia Members to the Constitutional Court Ms. A. Gyulumyan Ms. A. Petrosyan Mr. H. Nazaryan Mr. F. Tokhyan Mr. A. Khachatryan Mr. H. Tovmasyan Mr. A. Tunyan Judge to the Constitutional Court
29.06.2019 -
Lousineh Hakobyan was Elected as the National Coordinator of the EaP CSF NP
On 7 June 2019 Ms Lousineh Hakobyan, President of the Europe in Law Association was elected as the National Coordinator of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) aims to strengthen civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries as well as foster cooperation and the exchange of experience between civil society organisations from partner countries and the EU. EaP CSF’s mission is to facilitate
11.06.2019 -
ELA Participated in EU’s EaP CFS WG1 Meeting
In 2018 the Europe in Law Association was elected as a Delegate to the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum by the Armenian National Platform of the EaP Civil Society Forum. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) aims to strengthen civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries as well as foster cooperation and the exchange of experience between civil society organisations from partner countries and the EU. EaP CSF’s mission is to facilitate and strengthen the active and expert engagement
22.05.2019 -
ELA Monitors the Elections of Candidates for Judges at Domestic Courts
On 25-26 April 2019, Mr Tigran Yegoryan, Senior Legal Adviser with the human rights NGO Europe in Law Association, monitored the process of written examinations held with a view to replenishing the list ofcandidates for judges in the area of civil, criminal and administrative law specialisations. ELA will continue its observation mission also during the process of interviews with the applicants and issue its final observation mission report. The report will contain recommendations on the
06.05.2019 -
Zaven Grigoryan’s Interrupted Step
The Prime Minister’s ‘Dear Zaven, everything will be all right’ cannot be like a firework vanishing in the air. It is very difficult to find people who will get a multilayered faction and still call on the people to continue to fight. Zaven is one of these few. Not only has Zaven not recovered during the past 10 months but he also suffered losses of his construction business. It is time for the Prime Minister
19.02.2019 -
Workshop: Strengthening women’s political participation and leadership
On February 9-10, LousinehHakobyan and Tigran Yegoryan, representatives of the Europe inLaw Association NGOan participated in a workshop organized by the Analytical Centre on Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) NGO entitled “Strengthening women’s political participation and leadership” upon the invitation of MrStepan Grigoryan, the President of the NGO.The participants of the discussion were mostly representatives of political parties from Armenia.The discussion aimed at raising awareness of participants on the importance of women’s involvement and leadership
10.02.2019 -
“I went to participate in protests in April for a new life, for the future of my child, for the future of my country,” architect Zaven Grigoryan.
“I am 45 years old and I went to participate in protests on April 16 after chemotherapy. I went for a new life, for the future of my child, fort he future of my country,”says Zaven Grigoryanwho got a multilayer fraction of his leg due to the use of special means by the police during the April Revolution. On April 16, Zaven Grigoryan went to take part in a demonstration on Baghramyan Avenue immediately after
11.10.2018 -
“I am confident that the time for liability will come,” Ashot Gevorgyan
“One month was stolen from me,” Ashot Gevorgyan says, talking about the April Revolution, when on April 16, during his lunch break at the Academy of Fine Arts, he went to the French Square and headed to Baghramyan Avenue as he was following Nikol Pashinyan. “We were all walking peacefully with our hands in the air when the policemen came right over us and started scaring us with batons and pushing us. Before even reaching
09.10.2018 -
“The April rallies were unprecedented and I could not remain indifferent,” journalist Arman Gharibyan
The Special Investigative Service was silent for nearly 2 months in respect of Arman Gharibyan, journalist and co-founder of the Human Rights Power NGO, after Arman had been subjected to violence by a policeman during a peaceful protest on April 17. Though a criminal case was instituted, it is not moving forward. The SIS has not yet found the police officer who committed violence. Arman Gharibyan participated in the protests until April 16 as an
07.10.2018 -
“I think this well-publicized case with so many people involved will not be closed,” journalist Vruyr Tadevosyan.
“Now I can only hope that this lasting break will be effective for the proceeding softhe case, and that this well-publicized case in volving so manypeople will not beclosed,”says VruyrTadevosyan, a journalistfor Public Radio, who was subjected to violence by a group of masked people in the Avan district of Yerevanon April 22. Duringthe April revolution, journalist Vruyr Tadevosyan was subjected toviolence while fulfilling his professional duties. “To clarify the situation,I went to Avan Acharyan
05.10.2018 -
“I wanted to live in a country where it is possible to create peacefully”: sculptor Sarkis Babayan
Sculptor Sarkis Babayan was seriously injured on the back and legs on April 16, 2018, on Baghramyan Avenue. That day, he participated in the inauguration of his exhibition at 36 Isahakyan Street, after which he had to go to the Square of France to join the popular movement. “I joined the movement because I wanted to live in a country where the state borders are protected, where education is of high quality, where high values
01.10.2018 -
ELA expresses concern
Denmark is currently chairing the Council of Europe, and is planning another inter-governmental conference on reform of the Court, in Copenhagen in April. In preparation for that, the Danes have released a draft Declaration: https://menneskeret.dk/…/draft_copenhagen_declaration_05.02… It is a very worrying document, which, in effect, challenges the independence and authority of the Court in a number of ways. ELA has joined its international partners’ detailed response to the Declaration, which you may find below: http://ehrac.org.uk/…/Joint-NGO-Response-to-the-Copenhagen-…
18.05.2018 -
LETTER TO MR. NILS MUIZNIEKS, COUNCIL OF EUROPE COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 21.07.2016 Dear Commissioner Muiznieks, On 17.07.2016 the RA National Security Service (NSS) issued a statement, according to which earlier that day an armed group had seized the premises of the Patrol Service Regiment of the RA Police and taken several policemen as hostages. The group, which calls itself “Sasna Tsrer” (the Daredevils of Sassoun), has put forward certain demands, including the resignation of the incumbent
22.07.2017 -
COI submitted 96 complaints to the RA Administrative Court
June 28, 2017 COI submitted 96 complaints to the RA Administrative Court The Citizen Observer Initiative (COI) has submitted 96 complaints to the RA Administrative Court, appealing the decisions of the Territorial Electoral Commissions and the Central Electoral Commission on electoral violations registered by observers during the 2017 Parliamentary Elections. The complaints are related to numerous violations of objective and subjective electoral right registered by citizen observers acting on behalf of the organizations acting
29.06.2017 -
Dear citizens! The Armenian authorities are planning to hold a referendum on December 6, 2015 on changing the RA Constitution, which will alter all except two of the articles in the current Constitution. Elections in Armenia have always been marred with serious breaches of the rights of citizens to freely express their will and the right to equal suffrage, which serves as an obstacle for full exercise of the people’s power. During recent years one
22.10.2016 -
Mr Gaspari’s lawyer Tigran Yegoryan was prevented from meeting with Mr Gaspari
Today, on 25.02.2016 I visited my client Vardgez Gaspari who has been placed in Noubarashen detention facility. However, I was not allowed to meet with him by the administration of the facility, which referred to the letter sent by Neli Baghdasaryan, judge at the General Jurisdiction Court of Shengavit Administrative District notifying that advocates Tigran Yegoryan and Lousineh Hakobyan had been removed from the proceedings and that only Davit Gyurjyan is Gaspari’s defence counsel. Neli
25.02.2016 -
Vardgez Gaspari’s wife applied to the European Court of Human Rights for an interim measure
Yesterday, on 24 February 2016, Ms. Anahit Ayvazi, the wife of arrested Armenian civic activist Mr. V. Gaspari,applied to the European Court of Human Rights for an interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court, requesting the Court to indicate to the government of Armenia to take immediate and all necessary measures for security and safety of Mr. Gaspari. Mr. V. Gaspariwas arrested on 19 February 2016 and on 22 February
25.02.2016 -
Some title — cat publications
The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
25.12.2015 -
Some title 2 — cat publications
With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping.
25.12.2015 -
Narrow Your Focus to Prevent Overanalysis
What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people. Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?”
14.12.2015 -
ATTENTION: Deadline for Submitting the Applications Extended Dear citizens!
The Armenian authorities are planning to hold a referendum on December 6, 2015 on changing the RA Constitution, which will alter all except two of the articles in the current Constitution. Elections in Armenia have always been marred with serious breaches of the rights of citizens to freely express their will and the right to equal suffrage, which serves as an obstacle for full exercise of the people’s power. During recent years one of the
26.10.2015 -
A Higher Price Paid for Civil Activism
31.05.2015 -
The concluding part of ELA’s Report on the ECtHR judge selection contest
“The Observers’ Call to the CoE Bodies and Options for the Solution of the Problem 8.1. Summing up our observations of the 2015 contest, the observers hereby note that: 8.1.1. Under no circumstances can it be considered transparent in view of the facts described in this Report. The Commission concealed from public in an expremely organized and consistent manner important information of public interest concerning the Candidates and other contestants in blatant violation of Article
21.05.2015 -
Europe in Law Association denounces the illegal practice of the RA Police
Today, at around 7.50a.m. advocates of the Europe in Law Association NGO (hereinafter: ELA) started receiving unabated calls informing them that representatives of the RA Police broke into the apartments of the RA citizens motivating their actions as being carried out in terms of certain operational intelligence activities. These actions were accompanied by blatant violations of human rights. In particular, with an express intention to conduct a search of apartment, 15 officers of the RA Police