On 14 March 2024, the 4th bilateral meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform was held in Yerevan.
Ms Lousineh Hakobyan and Mr Simo Tiainen, Co-Chairs of the Platform, delivered welcoming addresses to the participants.
This was followed by the welcoming remarks of Mr Karen Nazarian, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, H.E. Vassilis Maragos, Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Mr Samvel Mkrtchyan, Head of the Europe Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Julien Bourtembourg, Deputy Head of Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus Division of the EU External Action Service and Mr Hubert Duhot, Deputy Head of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Eastern Partnership Coordination Unit, DG NEAR, European Commission.
“It is our intention to further improve communication and promote effective cooperation among all stakeholders involved in the CEPA reforms. In this context, coordination is important, especially when the actors include bilateral partners, international development agencies financing part of the reform process, and a non-governmental sector that is actively involved in monitoring and implementation. Remarks by Amb. Garen Nazarian at the 4th meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform We believe that CEPA CS Platform can enhance these efforts by promoting an inclusive and accountable dialogue. The SCO in general, and this Forum in particular, is increasing accountability and contributing to good governance”, said the Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia, Karen Nazarian,
‘’Warm welcome to the members of the EESC in Yerevan and delighted to address the CEPA civil society platform! Empowered civil society is key for democracy, economy and society. Mobilising resources on both EU-AM for CEPA-related reforms and the upcoming EU-AM new partnership agenda is essential’’, said the EU Ambassador to Armenia, Vassilis Maragos.
“I believe you would share my understanding that civil society
organizations have an important role in the process of democratic and
sustainable development of any country. Under their watchful activities,
often in a proactive way, the governments act in a more circumspect and
diligent way”, said the head of the Europe Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Samvel Mkrtchyan.
The meeting continued with a lively exchange with Ms Marina Kaljurand, Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with South Caucasus. The members of the Platform thanked Ms Kaljurand and the European parliament for its principled and strong stance and posed questions on various aspects of EU-Armenia relations.
This was followed by presentations of the members of the Platform, Mr Daniel Ioannisyan and Ms Lousineh Hakobyan on the state of implementation of CEPA obligations in the area of democratic institutions, rule of law and human rights.
The last topic discussed in the meeting was the developments in the area of implementation of CEPA obligations under Chapter 10 on Agriculture and rural development with a focus on trade between EU and Armenia. Mr Tatoul Manaseryan and Mr Nerses Karamanukyan delivered presentations on the subject.
The Platform members adopted a Declaration at the end of the meeting.